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Spring Boot 3 Observability: monitor Application on the method level

Observe using ObservedAspect with logging method arguments


Observability is one of the significant improvements in the Spring Boot 3 (also see how I migrate to spring boot 3), they now provide an effortless, pluggable way to use annotation to observe all the logs, trace, and metrics data for our spring beans.

In this article, we will go through below topics:

  • Recap on how observability works
  • Run monitoring component (Grafana, Loki, Tempo, Prometheus) by docker-compose
  • How to implement code to observe the Application
  • How to log method arguments in ObservedAspect
  • How would data be displayed on the Grafana

This Article is based on the guide posted in the Spring Blog, adding some of my opinion and how I solve some topics that were not covered in the original post. Please refer to the code change on my GitHub project PR. Let’s begin!

Recap on how observability works

First, let’s do a quick recap on observability. We have four components in a normal architecture:

  1. Log aggregation system
    e.g. Loki, Fluentd, Logstash… (reference).
  2. Distributed tracing backend
    e.g. Tempo, Jaeger, Zipkin… (reference).
  3. Time series metrics and monitoring system/database
    Prometheus is kind of dominant, but there are still some alternatives.
  4. Data query, visualize, alerting platform
    e.g. Grafana, kibana... (see more alternatives)

And the whole architected processed like below:

  1. Applications keep producing logs while running
  2. Logs are sent to or pulled from the Log aggregation system
  3. Data of trace and span are sent to the Distributed tracing backend
  4. Prometheus will scrape metrics from Applications periodically. (In some cases we can also push metrics to Prometheus. how to)
  5. Grafan provides a GUI for us to easily access data in others components. Then display data in a dashboard, check alerting rule is matched, and respond to our exploring query, etc.

Run monitoring components by docker-compose

I basically follow the docker-compose.yml mentioned in this post. And then add the dependency config files under this folder. Some notable things are:

  • We can see the Prometheus scrape metrics form itself with the default metrics path, /metrics like below (see more in the official config document). This is because we can also monitor the status of Prometheus servers.
  - job_name: 'prometheus'
      - targets:
        - 'localhost:9090'
  • We have to change the scrape setting for our application. Since we have set extra_hosts: [‘host.docker.internal:host-gateway’] in the docker-compose.yml , The Prometheus use host.docker.internal to access the application either run on localhost or docker (need to expose port).
  - job_name: 'cluster-api'
  metrics_path: '/actuator/prometheus'
    - targets: [ 'host.docker.internal:8081' ]
        namespace: 'event-sourcing'
        app: 'order-command'
  • We can download many dashboard template JSON files from Grafana Labs. Then put it in the folder that will be mounted in Prometheus by setting volume in docker-compose.yml. This is because we set the following to provide dashboards to Grafana.
  - name: dashboards
    type: file
    disableDeletion: true
    editable: true
      path: /etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards
      foldersFromFilesStructure: true

After preparing all the config files, we can finally use docker-compose to start all the components (Grafana, Loki, Tempo, Prometheus):

docker compose -f observe-docker-compose.yaml -p observability up

Then we can see them running well in the docker dashboard (see my commit for all the files in detail).


How to implement code to observe the Application

Next, we are going to make our application expose metrics and send out traceable logs.

Dependencies and Configs

First, add the following dependency:

dependencies {
 // using new @Observed on class and enaabled @ObservedAspect
 implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-aop"
 // enabled endpoint and expose metrics
 implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator"
 implementation "io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus"
 // handleing lifecycle of a span
 implementation "io.micrometer:micrometer-tracing-bridge-brave"
 // send span and trace data 
 // endpoint is default to "http://locahost:9411/api/v2/spans" by actuator
 // we could setting by management.zipkin.tracing.endpoint 
 implementation "io.zipkin.reporter2:zipkin-reporter-brave"
 // send logs by log Appender through URL
 implementation "com.github.loki4j:loki-logback-appender:1.4.0-rc2"

Second, add an application.yaml in the project resources to set up the related properties:

      probability: 1.0 # sampling all in dev, reduce it in prod to save loading
        include: prometheus
            requests: true

    level: "%5p [${},%X{traceId:-},%X{spanId:-}]"

Third, setting the log appender to auto-send logs to the Loki server.

``` xml title="logback.xml

<appender name="LOKI" class="com.github.loki4j.logback.Loki4jAppender">

<root level="INFO">
    <appender-ref ref="LOKI"/>
<logger name="feign" level="DEBUG"/> <!-- you can set your own level rule -->


Code Implementation

First, add a configuration to enable spring scan for the annotation @Observed , which will make the class/method also handled by the related class of Zipkin and Prometheus to send trace data or prepare metrics data. java title="" import io.micrometer.observation.ObservationRegistry; import io.micrometer.observation.aop.ObservedAspect; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false) public class ObserveConfiguration { @Bean ObservedAspect observedAspect(ObservationRegistry observationRegistry) { return new ObservedAspect(observationRegistry); } }

Then, we need to add @Observedon the classes/methods, which we consider as a new span start. Also, we can add some logs in the method so that it can be found by Loki, not only the trace and span data in Tempo. Besides, the class didn’t annotate with @Observed, The logs produced by them will also have the traceId and spanId as we defined in the log pattern but stay in the same span.
import io.micrometer.observation.annotation.Observed;

@RequestMapping(value = "api/v2/orders")
public class OrderV2Controller {

    private final OrderService orderService;

    public Order createOrder(@RequestBody Order order) {"recieve create order command, order = {}.", order);
        return orderService.createOrder(order);


Basically, observability is enough for application with the above setting and implementation. But I encounter some issues:

  • The self-config OpenFeignClient (not auto-configure by spring-cloud-starter-feign) won’t send the traceId with the request to the target server, so the trace will be lost. (Solved)
  • The asynchronous methods (i.e. CompletableFuture) don’t have both the traceId & spanId. (Didn’t solve)

The solution for OpenFeignClient is very easy, we only need to add two Capability while constructing the client instance like:
import feign.Feign;
import feign.micrometer.MicrometerCapability;
import feign.micrometer.MicrometerObservationCapability;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;
import io.micrometer.observation.ObservationRegistry;
import io.micrometer.observation.annotation.Observed;

@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class OrderCommandClientConfig {

    public OrderCommandClient orderCommandClient(ObservationRegistry observationRegistry,
                                                 MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {
        return Feign.builder()
                .logger(new Slf4jLogger())
                .encoder(new JacksonEncoder())
                .decoder(new JacksonDecoder())
                // let the ObservationRegistry and MeterRegistry autowired 
                // by the Bean constructor, and use in these two Capability
                .addCapability(new MicrometerObservationCapability(observationRegistry))
                .addCapability(new MicrometerCapability(meterRegistry))
                .target(OrderCommandClient.class, "http://localhost:8081");


For the second issue, I still thinking about whether it is a good idea to put an asynchronous method in the same trace or span of the original request, let's talk about it in the future and ignore it now.

How to log method arguments in ObservedAspect

In the previous section, we need to add codes manually into each method for logging. It doesn’t sound right for any software developer. Although the post in Spring Blog does this by implementing the ObservationHandler<Observation.Context>, in this way, we can not get arguments of the method in our observation. Then I find this paragraph in the source code:

According to the javadoc of from io.micrometer-micrometer.observation-1.10.2: …You might want to add io.micrometer.common.KeyValues programmatically to the Observation. In this case, the ObservationConvention can help. It receives an ObservedAspect.ObservedAspectContext that also contains the ProceedingJoinPoint and returns the io.micrometer.common.KeyValues that will be attached to the Observation.

So I wrote this implementation class to log around the observed method with arguments:
import io.micrometer.observation.Observation;
import io.micrometer.observation.ObservationHandler;
import io.micrometer.observation.aop.ObservedAspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;

public class AbstractObserveAroundMethodHandler extends AbstractLogAspect
        implements ObservationHandler<ObservedAspect.ObservedAspectContext> {

    public void onStart(ObservedAspect.ObservedAspectContext context) {
        /* we can get many information (including class, arguments...) 
        form ProceedingJoinPoint. */
        ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint = context.getProceedingJoinPoint();

    public void onStop(ObservedAspect.ObservedAspectContext context) {
        ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint = context.getProceedingJoinPoint();

    public boolean supportsContext(Observation.Context context) {
        /* required, otherwise the here will handle the 
        non-spring bean method (e.g. handling http.server.requests) 
        and throw a class cast exception. */
        return context instanceof ObservedAspect.ObservedAspectContext;

The extended class AbstractLogAspect is for the classes that I didn’t put the @Observed on it, but still want to log around them. So I extract the logic for others @Aspect to use.
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.Signature;

public class AbstractLogAspect {

    public void logBefore(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
        LogInfo logInfo = getLogInfo(joinPoint);
        // this make the logger print the right classType
        Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(logInfo.declaringType);"[{}.{}] start ({})", logInfo.className, 
                  logInfo.annotatedMethodName, logInfo.args);

    private static LogInfo getLogInfo(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
        Signature signature = joinPoint.getSignature();
        Class declaringType = signature.getDeclaringType();
        String className = declaringType.getSimpleName();
        String annotatedMethodName = signature.getName();
        Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs();
        return new LogInfo(declaringType, className, annotatedMethodName, args);

    public void logAfter(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
        LogInfo logInfo = getLogInfo(joinPoint);
        Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(logInfo.declaringType);"[{}.{}] end", logInfo.className, logInfo.annotatedMethodName);

    private record LogInfo(
            Class declaringType,
            String className,
            String annotatedMethodName,
            Object[] args) {


Please see more detail on my Pull Request in my POC project.

How would data be displayed on the Grafana

After all the settings and implementation above, we can finally look at the result through Grafana UI on http://localhost:3000. First, we can use explore tab to query the logs we are interested in (see how to query by LogQL).


Now we can see all the logs match our query between different servers. Then we can click one of them and the detailed information will appear. Click the Tempo button right next to the traceId, the correlated trace and span data will be displayed in a new panel.


The data in Tempo is very useful when we want to find out the bottleneck of requests in our micro-service cluster. Now we can get more insight from tempo since the spring boot 3 observability can easily show the time cost for each method in one application.

After exploring, we can save the queries to form a dashboard, or we can download the well-designed dashboard from Grafana Labs. Here I choose one, which very matches our use case.


There are too many things to discuss on Grafana dashboards and alerting rules, so I will just stop here and maybe do some research in the future.


In this article, we implement the spring boot 3 observability and test locally and run all components (Grafana, Loki, Tempo, and Prometheus) by docker-compose. The spring boot 3 observability provides a very straightforward way to achieve it by AOP and annotation. Moreover, it can now observe detail down to the method level.

Besides, I also do a little study on the source code and find out the easy way to combine the @Observed annotation and the spring aspect with ProceedingJoinPoint, which provides the argument and right class name of the target method. In this way, the log will be more clear and accurate.

There are some useful features I haven’t covered yet, like lowCardinalityTags, highCardinalityTags, custom metrics, etc. I will keep studying those topics and share them in the future.
